Monday, June 27, 2011

Sarah's Bridal Session

Summer vacation for my kids means beach days, driving mom and dad crazy, getting in lots of lego time, and road trips.

Summer vacation for teachers means that they become the most relaxed, congenial and happy people you've ever met, or at least that's true for Sarah, a music teacher near Tampa. Setting up hair, make up, schedule and location with Sarah for her bridal session was literally one of the easiest interactions with another human being I've ever had.

It's summer, she's getting married, she has time, and the world is her oyster.

Her mother came out to assist, so I put her to work right away, carrying bags and setting up lights. Kidding, I'm kidding. But she was a ton of help to Sarah, and a really pleasant person to pass the time with while we waited for Sarah to get all prettied up.

Sarah and Chad's wedding is this weekend in Sarasota, at the *what what* Powell Crosley Estate, can't wait!



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